How to get a job as a doctor abroad?

Working abroad is a dream and a necessity for many young doctors in Europe. Most countries have faulty healthcare systems that are constantly being improved with no visible effects and patients are not the only ones being harmed in the process.

Low salaries, long working hours and poor facilities make it hard to save lives – one of the main reasons doctors choose that profession in the first place. There’s only one way to escape the hardships of working as a doctor in your own country – move abroad! Some might say easier said than done. Well, here’s some things worth knowing on how to get a job as a doctor abroad.


Prepare to study hard and pursue your dreams

Sounds like a cliché, but when it comes to healthcare, constant education is necessary. On top of refreshing your knowledge over and over again, you must be prepared to study the language of the country you choose to go to. Although most countries are now speaking in English freely, it’s still not an official language in most of them.

If you go to Sweden, learn Swedish. Norway? Norwegian is a hard one, but you must speak it fluently. Scandinavian countries are the most popular right now among both young doctors and those with years of experience. Their requirements are tough and may seem impossible to fulfil at first, but the sacrifice is so worth it.

Their healthcare system is on the top of all countries and the doctors are respected for their work as if they were miracle workers.

So if you’re ready to study hard on both language and your medical knowledge, you are sure to get a job in no time.


Find a proper employment agency and let them help you

Run by governments as well as private people, agencies are the best bet when looking for a medical job in a foreign country. For example, Paragona, the biggest recruitment platform in Europe gives you a chance to change your life and start another stage of your career. They will help you prepare all the necessary documents, find a job that suits your needs and skills and will offer you courses to make sure you are ready in both language and medical knowledge to work at a certain country.

The agencies you can use can be held in your home country or in the destination country – prepare to go through lots of phone interviews as well as trips to physically evaluate your skills by the authorities hiring you.

Getting a job as a doctor abroad can be quite lengthy but with all the benefits that come with the decision, it’s really worth the effort.
